Tuesday, June 19, 2012


    Welcome in a new smile of hope. Smile of hope today is about Jana. Jana is 14 years old Jordanian girl. She is very beautiful. She has had a great position with her father and mother that I couldn’t forget. Before telling the story of Jana, her father and mother, I want to say to you only profit of your father and mother and learn from them. Also your parent profit of you, they need your love and help. Today I am addressing young boys and girls who think always that who they give kindness and compassion, who help, hug, regroup the family are always father and mother. Do you ever think that you can unify your father and mother, influence them and fill home with love? Do not live for yourselves; don’t prevent yourselves from such love and be finally surprised that your parent will divorce and therefore, there will be no love at home.
  The story of Jana is told to me by her father. Jana, a Jordanian, is 14 years old; all her interest was to be with her female friends; she did not bother of her father and mother who were about to divorce. Jana’s father told me that the household was insupportable and there was no common terrain to discuss with Jana’s mother, no dialogue, the divorce was about to take place. The children knew the problem. The elder son left the house weeping and crying. But Jana had been positive. She gave rendezvous to her father in a place saying to him that she needed urgently to talk to him. At the same time and in the same place she gave rendezvous to her mother with the same reason. Father and mother found themselves face to face and Jana between them.
  Jana guided the discussion, praying her mother and father to have seats. She had an album of photos. She began to open a photo and say: “Papa, mama, do you see this photo? This is the photo of your wedding day. Look papa, how you are smiling to mama; how are you happy with her! And you mama, you’re happy also with papa”. She opened another photo of her birthday and showed her parent how they were happy when she came to the world. She continued to open one by one the photos and recall happy memories and merry moments. Her father who told me the story said that he began to weep and her mother began to weep also. Jana, a young girl, played the role of a mature person; took the hands of her parents. Kissed them, hugged them and restored love in the household. Jana is not reacted violently such as has done her elder brother, who left the house. She acted positively and unified her father and mother.
  So young boy and girls, you also you can influence your parents, they need you. Your influence in them can be million times more than a sermon, than another adult. You are the one who has the magic keys to open your father’s and mother’s heart. Take care of your father, mother and you will be happy and you will draw a smile of hope in your homes and ours.
Thank you.